El tiempo pasa….

Post Express: No ha pasado nada interesante, solo q me han encatgado un monton de trabajos >_>, ya sali de vacaciones, voy a estar ausente la proxima semana por q acompañare a mi mama a conocer a su papá, me vacunaron en la escuela, tengo q hacer una maqueta de cualquier ciudad de la cultura maya para antes de regreso de vacaciones, se viene el playazo >_> y que los ultimos meses he estado durmiendo tarde y me empiezan a arder mis ojos y a lagrimear por lo mismo…, por ultimo.. testos q solo hacen bulto en los posts, uno de ellos lo vi en el blogo-blogoso de asu.chan

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Mango! You are kind hearted and love and respect
everyone! You treat everyone fairly and deserve
R-E-S-P-C-T!Which Fruit Are U?
brought to you by Quizilla

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ur 12:00 noon…. life… u dont care its there,
might as well live it… 12:00 lunch time at
skool… its your break.. to talk to friends (u
have little but they are true friends) and a
time to eat, keep ur mind on other things,
you’ll smile at life but not really care… its
cool….What time are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Too much to handle??!!
Your a really really really respectful and loving
friend!( a little too anal though, lay off the
pipe a little!!) Just kidding.. but you’re such
a good friend that your reaction would be :
“um i forgive u… i love you…”  What kind of a friend are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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You're a Romantic Kisser...
You’re a romantic kisser…you’re in love and so is
your lover! You just can’t get your eyes from
each other! What anime kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla 

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